Monday, July 14, 2008

Some comments through e-mail

I was not sure how my trial blogging will be accepted by my near and dear ones. I did receive some encouraging comments on my blog, but most of the encouragements came through emails and phone calls. Though each comment is as good as any, i just wanted to reproduce some of them , after protecting their identity.

“Absolutely wonderful ! Waiting eagerly how u and Archana hit off together in the end ! These beautiful days of long-lost youth -- fond recollections tinged with romance and 'what might have been' feeling -- embellish our life -- and it's a gift. Happy writing “

“…I am very happy after reading your match making story & "Mentor" article. Besides Ma & Baba, you are my main mentor in my life and till date to me your word & idea are the best of my knowledge. I am eagerly waiting to get more exciting and information oriented articles from you.”

“Read both, manto & the blog.. Was just thinking about the
& my reply/ comments.. Came up with a fused reply.. Sort of..
the work of a mentor just became clear to me.. The work of a mentor is
to answer questions.. Sometimes directly, sometimes through other
you understood my dilemma about writing.. My question about writing
about the ugly side of life without making the reader bitter.. & lo &
behold you give me manto.. Aar ki bolbo.. Except thankee.. :)
sometimes i want to go on asking questions.. There ARE so many! :)
sometimes we just need a little push in the right direction.. & that's
what a mentor is for.. So here's to life.. Cest la vie.”.

“THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING IDEA !!!! your daughter is right.
By this I get a chance to know you even better, because during my days at Rexroth, I have always bug you with my FOOLISH questions ...but I am on the same page with you, as far as defining smartness...I am only smart enough to hide my dumbness...:-))..About defining knowledge I am still struggling a little...MIGHT be a great IDEA if you share something about it on your next BLOG..”.

“You have written very well indeed.
My attention was drawn to your second entry. What can I say about your mentor?
I had the good fortune to have met her - however briefly. She can be the remote mentor to all. Any one who brought up your entire family the way she did with the kind of values, ability, gentleness, kindness, forbearance and integrity would necessarily have to be blessed. Or else what can explain the excellent family you have.”

“Great writing! Worth publishing. Can I forward your mail to our common friends? “

“Though I have always respected many things in you , we tend to take our friends for granted . Hardly ever have I openly and visibly expressed my appreciation for your qualities . This time I realised that I owe it to myself to tell you that you have done a great job in your blogging and I consider myself privileged to be included in your mailing list .Keep blogging and keep me posted .Take care,”

“Simply brilliant..
I look forward to the future episodes of the match making story. Eta ki shotyi ghawtona naki? Swapan manaey ki amader Hazra babu? Taar pawre ki holo janar jonye nishwash bawndho kore boshe roilam..
Aar tor chhotobalay shona gawlpo duto o khub chamatkar, aagey amaro shona jodio, kintu tor lekhar bhongi ta durdaanto. “Astute traditions of goatism”... ha ha ! Chaliye ja..”

“Khoob valo hoyechhey. dutoi excellent lekha. Shesh prjonto biye-ta holo kina janar jonno udgreeb hoye roilam. Eta tui amader mashik potrika-r moto teney jetey parish besh kichhu din...........pathok-era hooked hawbey nischoi. Keep it up and populated. “


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Mr.Sengupta,
    It's Annie from the AADP. Not so long ago, I asked Sudeshna how you were doing and she told me that you were writing a blog. Here I am leaving my first comment to which I hope is a first of many. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your blog, especially the Match-Making entry. I will turn to your blog entries whenever I need to escape the realities of work :)

  3. Dear annie, thanks for your comments. i was asking sudeshna whether you have received my mail. i just started blogging from end June and like to continue if i received encouraging comments like yours from time to time. did you check the 1st blog? it could be interesting.

  4. Dear Biplab Kaku,
    I am really enjoying reading "match making" and look forward to the next part.
    This is a very good idea. I look forward to reading more about your various experiences. Most importantly - what I love is that your writing style reflects your face to face conversation style. As I was reading your post, it felt like you were here with me in person !!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Dear Chand,i am very happy that my writing gives you face to face experiance.hope you will like part III as well

  7. Uncle,
    I am surprised that you don't have a book to your name yet!!!

    I am already impressed reading your 'about me', & anika-willing, look forward to be a regular! :)

    Rini must be so proud & so are we!

    Good job uncle....may you have fingers of superman and type away to glory!


  8. Dear Smita, i used to be a not-so-boring storyteller and i do have many interesting personal experience but i never tried writing before. i am really happy that you liked my writing
